The novel coronavirus also known as COVID-19 is now a pandemic, affecting millions of lives and businesses around the world. Our hearts go out to everyone whose families have been affected.
We are closely monitoring the situation and encourage everyone’s support to flatten the curve by staying at home and practicing social distancing. To support this cause, our sales, support and development staff are working from home, so please pardon any interruptions from sounds of crying children, dogs barking or piano rehearsals in the background during meetings or phone calls.
Many of our customers have reached out asking about how this affects our current production capacity and operation, expressing concern and urgency towards their packaging projects.
Elephero is fully operational
Our production and manufacturing operations are not affected by the pandemic and are continuing to operate as normal. Backed by our global distribution network, we remain vigilant in reliably providing our customers with quality packaging at competitive prices, with greater precautions in place to keep our employees, our partners and our facilities safe and healthy.
Deliveries may experience some delays
We are working diligently with our freight partners to maintain reliable delivery services for our customers; however, the outbreak is reducing global capacity for logistics causing delays and increasing surcharges where applicable. Ask our Product Specialist for up-to-date information regarding your deliveries, shipping quotes and alternatives to meet your project goals.
We understand the importance of packaging to our customers
We are closely monitoring the development of the outbreak and how it affects us, our industry and our customers. Our team will be providing frequent updates so you can better manage your business, timelines and packaging needs. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for the latest updates.
Reduce the effects of COVID-19 on your packaging project
Here are some tips that have helped our customers complete their packaging projects despite the recent setbacks.
Plan ahead and order more, earlier for better prices
Material prices are rising from the impacts of COVID-19 from reduced supply in labor and transportation, which can also lead to shortages and delays. Ordering a larger production run ahead will ensure your products have the packaging it needs to continue selling, at the best prices to meet your business goals.
Get in touch with us
We understand that your plans have been disrupted by the outbreak, so we are being updated daily with supply-chain solutions from our business partners. Our Product Specialists will work with you to create custom solutions that will help you conquer your business and packaging objectives.
Move all of your business and marketing online — at least for now
Online sales have seen a surge with shoppers moving all of their purchasing to e-commerce. Sell your products online through popular platforms such as Lazada and Shopee or take this time to develop your own online store.

Social distancing made simple.
Social media has also seen a major surge of consumption from users spending much more time at home. Take the opportunity to market to these people through social media marketing to get your brand and products recognized.
We are in this together
Our success is contingent on our customers’ success and we understand the importance of packaging to our customers’ survival.
It is important to remember that health and safety remains the highest priority in getting through this outbreak. No project or business is more important than the lives at stake.
For updates regarding the novel coronavirus, you can follow updates from the World Health Organization and Worldometer.
Stay strong and safe. Let us work together to get through this challenge.